by Will Schreiber

On Leaving Cities

Elizabeth texted me last week, “I’m sad we don’t have much more time here, there are so many things I want to do.”

A major benefit of leaving a city is it forces you to do the things you’ve been putting off until “some other day.”

When I left Nashville, I scrambled to go to a Titans game, to catch another Ryman show, to get beers with some mentors of mine.

Now we’re leaving Chicago. We can’t say these things anymore:

  • “Yeah, we should totally do the Architecture Boat Tour one weekend.”
  • “It’s been way too long, we should catch up soon.”
  • “One day we’ll eat at Alinea.”

Now’s the time to see those friends, to eat at that restaurant, to throw that party.

There’s no sense in wasting time doing things you feel obligated to do if you’re leaving soon.